London Garden Fencing and Trellis Contractors

Fencing and Trellis Contractor and Supplier - Fencing and Trellis Photo gallery

Belsize Landscapes undertake the replacement of old or dilapidated fences and Treillage, as well as the building of entirely new ones.

The height of these varies according to the site and the requirements; the style of these can be wooden, woven or wire mesh.

Brick walls and Railings

Wooden fences are generally constructed from vertical or horizontal pieces of ‘feather edge’ wood. All the woodwork is pre-treated against rot, decay and insect attack. In most cases, Belsize Landscapes will further treat the woodwork with a stain, according to their clients choice (normally a shade of brown or green).

Fencing Trellis London Fencing

Treillage is normally rectangular; the holes are generally square although a diamond pattern is sometimes used on a convex or concave piece of trellis.

RailingsFront Garden Brick and Railings

With regards to woven fencing (“wattle fencing” or “hurdles” as they are termed), these are hand crafted from coppiced wood, normally Hazel, in West Sussex or Hampshire.

Garden Fencing LondonTrellis Fencing LondonPalisade Fencing LondonPrivacy FencingPicket Fencing London

In order to erect properly and permanently the wattle fencing, Belsize Landscapes have developed a sturdy wooden framework against which the fencing is securely fastened.

These wattle fences can cover any width or height and afford a wonderful backdrop to any style of garden or play area whether rural or urban.

Decking Design London

The Song of The Beechnut Fairy

O the great and happy Beech
Glorious and Tall!
Changing with the changing months,
Lovely in them all:Lovely in the leafless time,
Lovelier in green;
Loveliest with golden leaves
And the sky between

Decking Designer


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