London Landscaping and Garden Design

London Garden Designers - Contact

Robert Sergent-Fairley's prefered method of communication is by mobile phone. Call now for a friendly chat and some free advice. Robert can arrange a visit to inspect the site, and to discuss your requirements. After this visit, he will then prepare a scale drawing, sketches and a detailed estimate with absolutely no obligation

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020 7424 9577

07956 611121

020 7424 9577

Robert Sergent-Fairley
Belsize Landscapes
Studio 15
Burmarsh Studios
Marsden Street
Gospel Oak
London NW5 3JA

Belsize Landscapes Tree House Design & Construction
Song of the Scabious Fairy

Like frilly cushions full of pins
For tiny dames and fairykins;
Or else like dancers decked with gems,
My flowers sway on slender stems.
They curtsey in the meadow grass,
And nod to butterflies who pass

Belsize Landscapes Tree House Design & Construction