Customer Recommendations - Belsize Landscapes

London Garden Designers ::Customers Quotes

Tim and Alison Ripley – West Hampstead

Robert, I am amazed at the speed in which your team has completed this very tricky project. I have managed construction projects for several years but can honestly say, I have never seen a team work so hard and so fast as your team.

I have also been most impressed by your team’s care and attention to detail throughout this entire project. The high quality of their craftsmanship has resulted in our having undoubtedly the best front garden in West Hampstead. I am so pleased we took your advice and used the Old Priory pavings; they are exactly as we had envisaged, how our garden could be several months ago.

Please use me as reference whenever you wish.

Garden ConstructionGarden DeckingsLondon Garden DeckingGarden Deckings LondonTimber Decking London

Arlene Philips – Belsize Park


James and Sarah Hardy - Hampstead

Now I know why you are so expensive – because you are the best! Sarah and I have never seen people work so hard, with such speed and with such care and organisation.

Your idea of the raised white walls was brilliant – it really sets off the beauty of our wonderful black limestone driveway which I imagine, is the only one in Belsize Park, in Hampstead and possibly in the whole of London. It is stunning.

On a lighter note, Sarah really enjoyed her day out with you to choose the plants. She keeps telling her friends about these “amazing nurseries” you visited.

We are now thinking of a total re-make of our main garden – interested?

Garden DesignGarden DesignsGarden Landscaping DesignGarden FencingGarden Designer Landscaping

Philip and Rosemary Curtin – Belsize Park

You have transformed our boring and totally wasted small garden into the most desirable room in our property. Your design was absolutely spot on and the whole finished result is absolutely fantastic.

Gardens Before and AfterGarden Design and BuildGarden Design LondonGarden Designer London

Angus Ions – Belsize Park

This is the first time I have ever worked with a firm of builders with whom I have total confidence and whom I would recommend; believe me Robert, I have worked with many in the past. I think your staff are quite unique; they are always happy, helpful, unbelievably tidy and complete each task to the highest specification. I know craftsmanship and professionalism and I would not hesitate to recommend your team in this respect.

Mrs Norma Curtis – Primrose Hill

Despite the fact that all decking and the garden materials were transported through my mother’s house, there was no evidence of this whatsoever after the project. The decking shape is a real success and the plants, particularly the tree ferns, are absolutely amazing.

Garden LawnsGarden Lawn LondonGarden Lawn and TurfGarden Patios and PathsLondon Patio Contractor

Dr Nat Ledano – Muswell Hill

What can I say Robbie – you have truly excelled yourself. I had serious trepidations about the reality of your original brilliant scale drawing designs – however the end results have proved my fears to have been totally unfounded. My congratulations to yourself and your superb team whom I would say have been a pleasure to have met and worked with these last 2 months.

Kerry Glazer – Hampstead Suburb

Robert, this garden is absolutely amazing; I always wanted a nice garden but this is beyond my wildest dreams.

Mr Mrs Francis Keane – Highgate

We were most impressed at the speed in which your team completed this project. The play area is really great and our children live out there.

Mr Simon Barnett – Swiss Cottage

I love the garden, Susan loves the garden and the children love the play area you created for Bunnykins. It has been a pleasure to have your team around; believe you me, I have worked with many teams of builders but yours are fast, efficient, professional, polite and all in all, a really great team.

Patio Design and buildPatios and PathsGarden Planting SchemesRaised Plant Beds

Mrs Sonja Isaacs – Hampstead

This transformation is fantastic. The lawn is beautiful and the plants are out of this world. Jason loves the barbeque area and our neighbours are falling over about the lemon trees, the olives and the mandarins. Thank you for our great day out choosing the plants.

Mrs Seiko Mizuta – Spencer – West Hampstead

My children love the play area; all their friends come here to play. The whole garden is really beautiful.
Jennifer Anderson – Regents Park

We are most impressed with the speed your team completed this project and absolutely no mess throughout the house. The Old Yorkstone looks like it has been there since the house was built and the whole garden really works.

Nick and Monique Trainer – Hampstead Heath

It’s really brilliant Robert. The kids love it and have taken up home out there.

Truet and Dorta Tait – Hampstead Heath

This is a real wild play area.

Nursery Plants LondonGarden Play House Pergola Design LondonLondon Tree HousesTree House Designers

Roger and Liz Munson – Highgate

Liz and I are absolutely delighted with our new garden. You interpreted our ideas to the button and the planting is wonderful. We have really enjoyed meeting your team, visiting your nurseries and finally having the garden of our dreams. We will get in touch in the Spring about lighting. Meanwhile, well done and say hello to the team.

Mrs B. Clarke – St Johns Wood

I am so pleased I asked you to change the patio; it was really getting me down. I think the new patio is lovely and the old brick walls look like they have always been there. My friends are very envious of my exotic plants – I hope the winds will not blow them over this winter! Well I know you know what you are doing; it was nice to see you and your team again.

Tree House BuildersTree House ContractorsTree House SuppliersTRee House LondonDEsign a Tree House

Mrs Vicky McFadyen – Belsize Park

The children love the play area; we will consult you about the garden after the conservatory is completed.

Annie Simons

Yes Robert – little me again. Thank you for organising stage one of my new garden. Do you realise that this is the third garden you have organised for me? I am looking forward to the new planting.

Richard and Belinda Savours – St Johns Wood

We are most impressed at your make-over of our front driveway. It looks so good it actually puts our main garden to shame! Belinda loves the plants and we are both delighted with the way your team has relaid the front steps. We have had many building teams in the past but yours is definitely the best; you should consider house construction!

Sandra Adar – Ealing

This is a fantastic patio and I love the plants. On a sunny day I feel I am in the Mediterranean.

Sheila Jansen – Chiswick

I think your transformation of the derelict area at the end of our garden into the Tree House and Activity area is really good. I love the Eucalypts and the bamboos; we will talk next year about the rest of the garden.

London Adventure Playground Garden Adventure PlaygroundsLondon Garden Play GroundLondon Pergolas SupplierAdventure Playgrounds

Sally Dyson – Hampstead

Robert, this is absolutely fantastic. I think your team has done a wonderful job; we could never have envisaged such a fabulous garden. I really enjoyed our visit to your nurseries; it was great to choose the plants and I would recommend this visit to all your future clients.

Karrie Gracie – Richmond

I am not sure if I should thank you for the play area as after 3pm each day, my garden takes on the appearance of Wembley on Cup Final day! Well, the play area is great and say thanks to the team.

Catherine and Nick Howard – Hampstead

Oh Gosh – Wow! Robert this garden is absolutely unbelievable. Nick is delighted, my parents are speechless and Nick’s parents cannot believe this is the same piece of derelict land they viewed 6 months ago. We have even spent Christmas and New Year, sitting on the patio, eating, drinking and just gazing at the garden. My mother thinks your planting should win awards – I told her it already has! Robert, I really want to thank you and your charming team for having given us this most special garden. Your team are so kind and helpful – they are so attentive and nothing is a problem for them; they are quite a unique team; it has been a pleasure to have them here. I cannot believe we finally have a proper lawn for Nick to play croquet and for the children to play games. The Tree House and Play Area are a real “hit” and they have spent the whole holiday out there. They have invented so many games amongst the palm trees and the bamboos. They even wanted to sleep out there on New Year’s Eve! Robert, thank you so much to you and your charming team for our fabulous garden. Incidentally, I really enjoyed visiting your nurseries and helping to choose the plants – they will always be my new babies and I will watch them grow.

Nicola Burstin – West Hampstead

Looks great!

Diane Miller – Hampstead

I hope you have some photos of the front patio before this work – nobody would ever believe that this is the same front garden! Seriously, we love the grey paving and would recommend it to any of your clients. It is absolutely stunning and totally fits the style of our property.

Colin and Nicola Eliott – St Johns Wood

We really like the way you have put this together. The trees are fantastic and the jasmines are amazing.

Julie Tabbouche – West Hampstead

Ron and I love the play area, as do the children! Your team was so quick we hardly noticed they were here. We will talk to you, after the extension, about the planting.

Roxanne – St Johns Wood

Your designs are out of this world – great!

Mrs Sciama – Hampstead

I am amazed at the speed of your team; Justin has done a wonderful job on the decking.

Barbara King – Hampstead

Congratulations on a first class result.

Mr Mrs Humphreys – Hampstead

We love the flagstones and the raised brick beds look excellent.

Mrs C. Thanki – Hampstead

The play area you built in our last house was really good. However this one is even better; you have managed so cleverly to blend it into the surrounding garden. Our neighbours are also delighted with the outcome.

Kim Slawek – Hampstead Heath

I am most impressed at the care your team took in carrying all the materials through the house. The terrace is perfect and I am only sorry I did not do this sooner.

Chris MacMillan – Hampstead

I truly expected to find a pile of builders rubble on my recent return from Brazil. I was absolutely knocked over to discover the most beautiful terrace in Hampstead, complete with mature plants. You should consider a stage career Robert – as a magician!


I can only say that I am amazed at the speed in which your landscape team has completed my Garden Construction and particularly my fabulous New Lawn.

I never knew how many Palm Trees can grow in Bedfordshire! I really enjoyed our visits to your Nurseries and am looking forward to the Autumn when we can organise all the fruit trees.


I am most impressed.


This Play area makes Disneyland look like a Kindergarten! A fantastic result from your team following your super Play Area Design. Arnold says that if the Market keeps dropping we could always open the Adventure Playground to the General Public (for a fee!).


Please say thank you to your team for all their hard work on turning my dreary Slough garden from a complete unmanageable wilderness into a Beautiful English Garden. My new Natural Stone Driveway is quite the envy of all my friends.


A superb job from start to finish and the New Fencing will definitely keep the deer out of the Vegetable Garden.


The highlight of this project was my day out with you to visit your Nurseries. I cannot remember such an exciting and wonderful day since I graduated from Brownies into Girl Guides!

Thank you so much Robert for all your patience and understanding with this tricky Planting Scheme. You should be on Television and they are welcome to come and film my fantastic new garden.


An expensive project but a first class result which has added enormous value to our property.


When we were so let down by our builders, I really felt like giving up on our Garden Patio.

You and your team have been amazing and I am so sorry I did not know about you sooner.

Please say a big thank you to The Team for our wonderful New Patio and Fabulous Lawn.


I cannot believe this is the same garden. You did a Brilliant Garden Design for our family and we really appreciate all the effort put in by yourself and your team.


Wow! Fantastic! Milton and I are over the moon about the Stunning Timber Decking. I’ll talk to you in the Spring about the rest of the garden.


You would not believe how many local Landscape Companies we talked with before asking you to pop up to Berkhamstead to view our project and to come up with another of your amazing Garden Designs.

As you know from our previous house in Hampstead, I am a very exact person and insist on perfection.

Well, once again, we are both delighted with our Beautiful Garden Patio, our stunning driveway and our Immaculate New Lawn.

As always we have no hesitation to recommend you to our new local friends.


This Adventure Playground is absolutely “out of this world”. The infants cannot wait to go outside and play.


An absolutely superb job from start to finish. I know I have paid a top price for this Landscaping but I have received a top job. A First Class effort and an amazing result.


A First Class Landscaping job Robert. We are really pleased with the New Lawn and the wonderful Established Planting. I’m glad we also decided to go ahead with the Stone Driveway; it makes a lovely home entry each day.


My new Front Garden could win Prizes.


We are both delighted with all the effort your team has put into our New Fencing; we are also most grateful to them for having stained it as it was so bright at first.


The Upstairs Tree House and the Downstairs Play House are a real success. The boys spend all day running in and out the bamboos and backwards and forwards along the Jungle Bridge.


I am still speechless with admiration at the way you have turned my neglected Roof Area into a beautiful Roof Garden.


Our new lawn is stunning and the children have taken up residence in the Play House.


Our lovely lush “Environmentally Friendly” Front Garden is greatly admired by all our neighbours.


I know this was only a small job but your team handled my Garden Construction with such care and precision.


The children are loving their Fabulous Adventure Playground; it was a great idea of yours to lay the Timber Decking Walkway from the house to the Play Area.


Hilda and I would like to thank you and your excellent team for a First Class job on our Driveway.


Thanks for a “brill” Garden Design; it’s just what we want and look forward to your team’s arrival next week.


Your Landscaping of our property has been marvellous.


My husband and I are absolutely delighted with our fine new Lawn. This has totally changed our garden; I promise you we will look after it.


We all love the School Playground Designs. The children are really excited and are looking forward to watching from the Classrooms, as your Landscapers build the different areas.

This will probably be the Greenest and Most Environmentally Friendly group of School Playgrounds in London.


Your Planting Scheme of the Tree Ferns and all the Exotic Shrubs is absolutely fantastic – and all the colours. All the planting blends brilliantly with the Split Level Timber Decking and our new lovely level Lawn.

Anthony and Jacqui Todd - Hampstead

Your transformation of our Colditz style garden into a complete family Utopia is nothing short of miraculous.

Colleen and Paul Harvey – Primrose Hill

I am amazed at the speed in which you have completed this amazing garden transformation. I am also most impressed that your team has moved over 40 tons of materials through our house without any problems whatsoever. We are absolutely thrilled.

Mr. Mrs. N. Popes, Crowthorne, Berkshire This tree house has surely surpassed all your others. Our daughters are naturally delighted and will soon be the most popular girls in their schools; you deserve another gold medal!
Mrs W Alamouti St Johns Wood

I should like to place on record my extreme thanks to you and your team for the amazing work you have done for me. You are the first person who actually listened to me and understood my wishes; you then transformed those into the garden of my dreams.

A strong word of thanks also and praise for your team. They are the most polite, considerate and obliging group I have ever met. Their level of craftsmanship is unequalled; their expertise, conscientiousness and amazing artistry would be hard to beat in these modern"couldn't care less" times.

it would be my pleasure to take any potential clients of yours on a conducted tour of my paradise in St Johns Wood

Mrs S Park Little Venice Robert, merci beaucoup, c'est magnifique.
Mr B Chamberlayne

When we received your estimate, I asked Amy if it was possible you had by accident added an extra nought! To my chagrin, she advised that the estimate was correct; believe me when I say that I could not comprehend at that time how a Relandscaped Town Garden could possible cost as much. I seriously chucking in my banking career and taking up garden design and construction; I even checked the signature on your estimate to verify whether or not Belsize Landscapes was being run by a descendant of one Mr R Turpin.

Well the garden is completed and I have to say I now fully understand the huge costs in organising this type of project. We have watched in amazement at the vast quantity of materials being swallowed up daily in our garden; we were also most impressed at the huge Belsize team which numbered no fewer than 10 persons at any one time.

The end result is absolutely first class and I can honestly say that it was worth every penny (even though it was a lot of pennies

Diane Gabor
Golders Green

I am absolutely amazed at the way in which you have transformed my garden in only three weeks.

As you know,I have spent 6 years and a considerable fortune in trying to create my ideal garden I had completely given up all hope until my friend reccomended I contact you. I have to say this was the best thing I could have done.

You were so patient and listened to all my woes and problems; you came back with so many wonderful ideas and that fantastic design. I still could not beleive it could be mine.

Well now I have the garden of my dreams nd my friends say it is the best in Golders Green.

I have to say it has been a pleasure to have your team here. I have enjoyed every minute and watching my garden develope, literally overnight, has been so exciting.

Thank you also for taking me with you to choose the plants; this was a lovely and most educational day's outing. I had no idea that there was so many trees and shrubs we could choose from, for my garden. All those wonderful colours and perfumes. When you first told me that you would be planting 600 different colourful plants in my garden I had no idea of the huge range available.

Well once again, thank you so much for a wonderful garden. I will be delighted to give you a tour of inspection to any of your new clients.

Mrs Annie Simons Highgate The garden you designed and constructed at my last house was completely out of this world. The garden in my new house is even better.
Diane Gabor
Golders Green (again)
Please find enclosed your cheque. Hope you and your family are well. Your ears must have burning this week - 35 ladies had tea in the garden and absolutely RAVED about it.
Mrs. C. Davis, Cobham, Surrey Your transformation of our previously empty garden has been incredible. The stone patios are wonderful; the lawns are like green velvet and the planting is absolutely stunning.
Mr John Koulagoulou Hampstead Heath
I thought I would drop you a line to advise you about out daughter's birthday. Neither she nor her friends had any idea of what wa awaiting them; we could have made a Hollywood film over their expressions and delight when we finally entered the garden and pulled off the sheeting. The birthday was the best our daughter has ever had and will probably be the most memorable she will eve have. The plat structures were well and truly christened and the thatched cottage was a total one hundred per cent "mega-success". The verandah now has plant boxes with pansies and geraniums in matching colours to the cottage curtains. Our best wishes to yourself and your team.
Mr J Ross ,Miss J Goldman
Hampstead Heath
Hurry up and finish. My children are desperate to get out there and play. Well done!

A Royal,
Virginia Water

Her Majesty and I wish to express our sincere thanks for the superb play area, walkways, and tree houses you recently completed. The little princes play all day in what they refer to as "their secret jungle camp." Our representative will contact you in the autumn with regards to your design and landscaping of the main grounds

Mrs M Daley St Johns Wood

Words cannot explain how delighted we are with the wonderful garden you designed and created for us. Until your arrival we had an overgrown, sloping jungle area; we now have a beautifully terraced garden with patio, lawn and large children's area where we all 'hang out' late into the evenings.
Mrs B Mendoza
The family garden you recently completed for us is absolutely perfect; it is just what I wanted. My children love the play area, my husband spends hours on the patio and I think the plants are stunning. I really enjoyed visiting your nurseries; it was great fun choosing the plants.
Mrs Rita Cruise O'Brien Our sincere thanks to your wonderful and extremely conscientious team; it has been a pleasure to have met you all.
Mrs Ilana Durst Highgate The stone patio is absolutely stunning; it is technically grey but no two pavings are the same; we love the textures and the gentle colour variations. It is so inviting that even my daughters now swim in the pool!
Mrs. J. Glasspool, Richmond-on-Thames, Surrey A quick note to say thank you for your superb efforts in our garden. The Play Platform is an absolute winner and the children have virtually moved into the Tree house, “lock, stock and barrel.” I really do appreciate all the care and attention you all took in this project.
Mrs Jennifer Leigh Little Venice You have transformed an empty corner of our garden into a children's play paradise. The tree house, the jungle bridge, the ropes, the slide, the swings and the planting are al absolutely wonderful. Our daughter is convinced she has seen fairies playing on the verandah! Thank you, thank you to you and your charming team.
Mr. Mrs. Arrain, Ascot, Surrey Thank you for all your excellent work in our extremely neglected garden. Both of the lawns look superb, the patio is better than we had imagined and the planting is just as we had wanted.
Mr P Ryan Hampstead
Having set up our play area by a few telephone calls from USA we were slightly sceptical about what to expect upon landing in England. We need not have worried! Your expertise was evident the minute we arrived in Hampstead. I have to place on record the delight of my wife, myself and our children at the fantastic play house, platforms and the play structures which greeted our arrival. Robert, you and your team could make a fortune if you moved to USA! Well done an thank you.
Mrs Freidman Hampstead Heath
When I advised my family of my intention to extend and relay my existing patio, they though it was time for a specialist doctor to sit me down. I have to say that his investment has completely changed my family life. we now have a beautiful natural stone patio, large enough for parties, get togethers and weekend meals. Your planting around the patio was superb; the plants all look wonderful even though it is now the middle of winter! Once again, thank you to you and your kind and understanding team.
Mrs Eleanor Levy
Hampstead Garden Suburb
Hello Robert, I thought you would like to know that my children and grand children now spend all their leisure time in my garden. The plat house is a winner, the climbing decks are fantastic and the pet animal (luxurious) homes are a real credit to your team. Please do not forget to bring all the team for a summer party. Thank you once again.
Mrs Samantha Wainstein Maida Vale
I think that this was worth every penny
Mrs Priscilla Sharp
St Johns Wood
Even my husband is impressed!
Mrs Sarah Gold
St Johns Wood
Robert, if you ever need a recommendation, tell them to ring me!
Belsize Landscapes Design & Construction

Dina & Tod Carty Muswell Hill

......Our children now have the most wonderful playground. Thank you to you and your wonderful team.

Photo shows Tod Carty (also known as Mark from Eastenders) being photographed for Hello Magazine in the magical play area created for Tod's children by Belsize Landscapes

Mr & Mrs Humpherys Hampstead We love the colours of the buff sandstone patio. Well done!
Mr L Gallagher & Nicole Appleton Hampstead The garden looks great and the tree house is super. We really enjoyed having you and your team here.
Dr Annie Beaugie
The colour variations of the buff stone patio are really incredible. The whole garden looks as though it has been there since the house was built.
Mr and Mrs Zahoor Hampstead Heath We are delighted with our new garden; you totally understood our concept which you formulated into a garden which makes the Winter Palace Gardens look like an allotment
Mr David Sage West Hampstead Robert - well done; the new front drive is absolutely stunning; it used to resemble a wobbly black and white photograph of planet Mars covered with weeds and rusting bedspreads. I now have a fantastic York stone driveway in Hampstead - I need a new car!
Mrs K Pellegrin Highgate The speed in which your super team have transformed our neglected garden into a miniature Kew is quite incredible. Well done Robert - say hello to the team from us
Mrs A Patel Stanmore Many thanks for your inspiration and attention to detail; fantastic stimulation for the children's imagination. Hours of fun to be had ahead.
Mrs N Drir Maida Vale Your transformation of the overgrown area of the bottom of our garden is nothing short of miraculous. Our boys spend every spare minute in the tree house across the bridge and up and down the platforms. We were delighted to be involved with your wonderful team who are the epitomy of politeness and whose craftsmanship is unsurpassed in our area
Mr Nick Hirschorn St Johns Wood Tania and I are delighted, Justin.
Mr Freddie Drabble
My children love the tree house. If we ever move I hope you'll come and build a bigger one for us.
Mr Pamela Shuzman
The garden is lovely Robert but what happens if the plants grow?
Mrs Laura Hirschfield
Hampstead Heath
We love the decking and our daughter lives in the play area.
Mrs Jilyan Keates
St Johns Wood
I wish to place on record my sincere thanks to you and your team for the amazing garden you have created at the Rest Home. Your team were so neat, so patient, so kind and a pleasure to have around at all times. This garden will give the retired people a really dream area to enjoy forever. Please use me as a reference whenever you wish.
Mrs Annie Rickards
Primrose Hill
I am amazed how you could fit so much into such a small space. The whole garden, although new, looks as though it has been there forever.
Mr Jim Carter & Emelda Staunton Hampstead Well done Robert, Justin and the team. I hope you realise that I did most of it - you just helped!
Mr Charles Hulac
Primrose Hill
Thank you for such a wonderful job. Your clever use of space has totally transformed our garden.
Mrs Jenny Ross
Regents Park
Our garden used to resemble an extension of the canal waste land. We now have the most amazing all year round low maintenance garden.
Miss Linda Pilkington
Primrose Hill
The garden you have built for me has totally transformed my life. Use me for a recommendation any time.
Dr Katherine Bradley
We were most impressed at the meticulous care your team took to match up the old wall and the old pavings. You have returned our once beautiful garden to it's original beautiful form. Well done!
Mrs Jennifer Wellings
We were amazed at the speed you completed our very awkward garden. We love the patio and our son loves his tree house.
Mr Stephen Brown
The stone patio has bought a new dimension to my garden. It has also considerably increased the value of my property. I am most impressed.
Mrs Emma Hart
St Johns Wood
As you know we had a budget for this one but you have excelled yourself. My son loves the play platform. I don't know where we will move to next but wherever it is we will keep in touch.
Mr Thiery Hattab
Yes I'm disappointed about the French team's result but hearing the laughter of my daughters in the wonderful new play area has definitely softened the blow. (Quoted after the French teams early exit from the World Cup).
Mrs Helen Schlichter
This is the third project you have handled for me. I am running out of garden space but thank you - it's all so beautiful.
Mrs Philippa Strauss
Our children play all the time in the play area. You really have the knack of understanding exactly what they want.
Mrs Julia Depayer
My husband and I are having great fun on all the play structures - sometimes we even let our son join in. A wonderful job, well done!
Mrs Elizabeth Nisbett
Regents Park
You have transformed a wilderness into a beautiful family garden.
Mr & Mrs Richard Allinson Highgate We have really enjoyed the family garden you created for us two years ago. However the children's play area you have just built for us is really fabulous.
Mrs Pamela Jacobs
St Johns Wood
Thank you for blending the new in with the old.
Mr Robert Sonning
Primrose Hill
The play house for our daughter ought to be filmed.
Mr Christopher Berlingieri
Our children and their friends still spend endless hours out there on the play area. Well done and thank you!
Mrs Victoria Viner
Belsize Park
I think this is the fourth project you have handled for me. Is this a record?
Miss S.Innes, Watford, Herts Thank you so much for the wonderful play area your team has constructed for my daughter.
Mrs Lela Cook
Hampstead Heath
My husband was very sceptical about the effect this play area would have on the whole garden. Now that it is completed he is delighted. My daughter spends all her time playing outside. Say hello to Justin and the team; please also feel free to use me as a reference and to bring any prospective clients to view this wonderful creation.
Mr. Mrs. G. Asher, Berkhampstead, Herts Graham and I wish to thank you so much for having handled the relandscaping of our new home. The result, as we anticipated is sheer brilliance.
Miss B. Harrison, Reading, Berkshire I have today returned to the Old Manor and could not believe my eyes as I came up to the driveway and had my first view of the new lake. For a moment, I panicked and thought I had taken a wrong turning and was trespassing on someone else’s property!
Robert, I am amazed at the speed in which your team has transformed that vast empty field into a fantastic natural lake complete with waterfall, jetty, floating duck house, wooded slopes, grasses and wild flowers in full bloom. The whole area is so peaceful and is so natural; it all looks like it has always been there.
The television programmes always concentrate on small gardens – they should invite you and your team to relandscape Salisbury Plain or somewhere similar. Say hello to all your gang – you are all welcome to pop in whenever you are in my area.


Our local Landscape Designers were a total “waste of space”. You picked up on my ideas immediately and came up with this Fantastic Garden Design.

Now that it is finished, it is even better than the design. Jeremy loves his Splendid Lawn, the children live in the Tree House and I adore my flower covered arbour.

Your team were a pleasure to have here and will always be welcome to visit us.


You have really put Buckinghamshire on the World Map!


I shall enter my New Front Garden in next year’s Local Gardens Competition! Bravo Robert and your team.


Livingstone has really settled into his Luxurious New Home; he thinks you are the King Of Pet Houses!


When Jeremy returned from South Africa he could not believe that this Breathtaking Planting Scheme had been completed so quickly and at such a low cost.


I am so pleased we finally went for the Closeboard Fencing with the Trellis above. I now have total sunbathing privacy and your climbers are already spreading along the Trellis.


The Old Yorkstone Garden Patio looks as though it has been there since our house was built – almost 200 years ago! Our sincere thanks.


The boys adore the Tree House and the adventure Playground is a real magnet for the entire local neighbourhood children at the end of the day. It is certainly keeping me fit running up and down the garden with sandwiches!


My parents could not believe your incredible Landscaping change to our Postage Stamp garden – mummy wants to visit us more often so that she can look after the garden.


A really fine result; the Driveway is Outstanding.


We are both delighted with our lovely New Garden Patio and all these beautiful plants.


Thank you so much for fitting us in. I am so pleased we found you as I know that no one else could have done such a great Tree House.

This must be the longest run of Wattle Fencing in England! Say thank you to The Team for a really Great Fencing Job.


We loved your Garden Design but now we love the finished garden even more. Your idea of a Timber Decking throughout the whole area has really worked with all the Raised Plant Beds and your stunning Planting Scheme. The Tree House and Adventure Playground has, as you would imagine, also been a 100 per cent success.


Thank you so much for my Wonderful Garden Patio; your team took so much care with all these Crazy Old York Pavings and I know that I now have the best garden in Swiss Cottage.


This Roof Terrace must be one of your best!


It was great to see you again Robert and as always, your team’s Garden Construction Expertise was beyond reproach. I cannot tell you how delighted I am with our Gorgeous Garden Patio; I am really looking forward to visiting your Nurseries and choosing the shrubs.


The Fencing is Great, The Lawn is Great, The Planting Scheme is Great, The Front Garden is Great – Yes, you could say I am pleased.


I must take off my hat (well my bonnet) to your Team for this really Artistic Play Platform; the way in which they constructed this so skilfully, around all the branches of the Old Fig Tree is, quite frankly, a Work Of Art.


The way you have united both parts of our garden is really brilliant; we love the curving raised plant beds around the stunning new Garden Patio and your team handled superbly the difficult change in levels of the Fencing.


We covered the Tree House with Tinsel and Garlands and took the children outside on Christmas Morning. Robert, I cannot tell you the excitement – they were still playing outside in their pyjamas and dressing gowns all morning.

Your Tree House and Activity Playground has been a fantastic success.


Our new Garden Patio is fantastic – no waterlogs, no wobbles and no weeds! I’m so sorry we did not use you 3 years ago when we had this laid by the previous Builders.


This is a beautiful Timber Decking and I know the way your Team have built it that it will last forever – not like the last one our builders made which has lasted 4 years!


Thank you for crossing London to handle the Garden Construction of our Wandsworth family garden. We are delighted with the results and have no hesitation in recommending your Company to other young families.


Your idea of a Timber Decking Walkway from the Garden Patio to the Adventure Playground was fantastic – no more muddy shoes indoors.


Our Front Garden is amazing with the Lemon and Olive trees which really set off the lovely New Driveway. Your idea of a paved bicycle circuit for the children in the main garden has proved a real “hit”. Since you raised the lawn by one foot I am delighted to say that all the waterlogging has gone – we now have the Most Beautiful English Lawn imaginable.

Thank you also for the opportunity to visit your Nurseries and to view the plants; I can now look at all the Trees and shrubs as they grow and say to them “Hello, baby, I chose you.”


I have to thank my friend Emilia for having told me about “this fantastic Garden Designer in Hampstead”. She was totally correct and your design of my small Roof Terrace was exactly what I had wanted but could not convey my wishes to any of the other Garden Designers. As a result of your patience and your listening, I now have the Roof Garden of my dreams.


I am most obliged to your good self and your staff for having handled this very difficult operation. I do appreciate that the raising and levelling of the lawn was a Major Landscaping task; Marjorie and I are still astounded at the huge numbers of railway sleepers, you used in this project as well as the hundreds of tons of topsoil.

I wish to place on record our joint thanks to you for our Beautiful New Lawn; in my retirement, I will now be a happy man.


Your Garden Design was so Majestic and now our Garden is so Magnificent. Our children spend all their play time in the Tree House and Vladim is learning to play croquet on our Luxurious Green Lawn. We extend a permanent open Invitation to our house to yourself and your family.


My Lovely Front Garden is a Dream Come True.


When Sue returned from Brazil, she could not believe the transformation to our Roof Terrace; I think she fully expected a TV camera crew to jump out! Brilliant job Robert.


At last we can drive up to the house without getting bogged down in mud and gravel! We are both delighted with your curved design for our Driveway and also for the fact that we now have a perfect, easy to maintain, Natural Paving Driveway.


Our new Front Garden looks so big and your idea of the 3 Palm Trees was perfect.


Your Garden Construction techniques are brilliant.


Please thank your team for their exceptional care in carrying all the materials through our house. Shabanna and I are delighted with our lovely flat lawn.


This Garden Design is brilliant. I can’t wait to get started.


Well done lad.


We were both somewhat sceptical about your idea of the Raised Beds. However now the Landscaping is finished, we are in complete agreement and are really looking forward to enjoying our garden this summer.


The Stone Garden Patio with the Old Brick Walling, really works.


Well my boy, you have passed with flying colours.


You may not remember me as you constructed our Garden almost 20 years ago. I just thought I would drop you a line to let you know that the Garden is fabulous and the Garden Patio looks exactly the same as when you laid it. We would love to see you again and to show you how we have cared for our garden.


This is the most fantastic Tree House and Adventure Playground.


I have been most impressed whilst watching the Garden Construction in progress. Next week’s planting will be the Icing On The Cake.


We had our first party on Saturday on our Magical New Roof Terrace. It was an amazing evening and I think your ears must have been burning.


Feeling a bit fragile this morning but have been outside and wanted to congratulate you on a Really Awesome Timber Decking.


It poured with rain last night but not a drop came into Byron’s kennel. He was as “snug as a bug” in his luxurious New Pet House.

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